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Do Not Sell or Share My Information

You may have certain rights with respect to the personal information we collect and process. These rights vary by state and country and depend on your residency. These rights are not absolute, and we reserve all of our rights available to us at law in this regard. Please send an email to printshop_customerservice@goodwillsocal.org or mail to the address below to exercise one of your data subject rights, where applicable. We will process your request within the time provided by applicable law.

Goodwill Southern California
Attn: Print Shop – Privacy Policy
342 N San Fernando Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90031

Please provide the following:
Your First Name *
Your Last Name*
Your Email Address*
Country of Residence*
State of Residence*

And include:

I would like to exercise the following:

  • Request to Know
  • Request to Delete Account
  • Request to Opt-Out of Sharing or Selling of My Information

Note: This will NOT unsubscribe you from marketing emails, if you wish to unsubscribe, please see the "Click here to unsubscribe" link in the footer of each email.

Additional Information (please describe your request and provide us with any additional information that may help us to process it).

I have read and understood the below message *

For more information about your data rights and how we use your personal information, please review our privacy policy, available at GOODWILL PRINT SHOP

Upon submitting a request, you will receive an authentication email to the email address you have specified in this form. Please follow the instructions in the authentication email to complete your request. In order to verify your identify, we may request that you match specific pieces of information you have provided us previously, as well as, in some instances, a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer whose personal information is the subject of the request. If you are an agent acting on behalf of a consumer, we will require proof that you are authorized to act on their behalf and proof of your own identity. If you do not follow the instructions in the authentication email within 45 days, your request will not be processed, and you will have to resubmit your request. If you do not have access to your email for authentication purposes, please submit this form and contact printshop_customerservice@goodwillsocal.org.